Sunday 3 January 2016

FLASHBACK: A ride of reflections

This is a post I shared a while ago on #Instagram. It got me thinking aboout a lot of things and tempted me to expand it further. Speaking about expanding reminds me of the senior writers whom I have worked with. They would say: "Bring more meat to the skeleton!" The expansion of this post is me bringing more meat to the skeleton. Here we go!

This bakkie, (Isuzu KB200) a white beast with a silver line stretching from front to back, brings so many flashbacks! It used shortened my trips to school [usually] on monday mornings... 

During those times, cassettes were the in-thing. My dad had all sort of cassettes from Mango Groove, Dolly Parton, you name it. I would listen to all sorts of music during our rides. Although I didnt sing along, through repetition, they were slowly engraving themselves in me. After a while, I realised that I knew the lyrics of the songs...

I still know the songs to this day. 
The bakkie brings so many flashbacks...
I remember one cold morning- the bakkie was very moody! Upon inserting a key and turning clockwise, the vehicle acted like nothing happened - It did not ignite. No amount of pushing was ever enough... It was already late and "I'll get there during the first period!" I thought as all this occurred. I imagined myself walking in class an hour late. Knowing my dad so well, I knew he was going to say: "Its better to be late than not to be there at all..." Anyway, throughout all these years, he has looked after this antique and it looks like it is still going to see many more years ahead. . #Mirror#Reflection #Rides #Kasi#BakgatlaBaMosetlha

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