Tuesday 8 March 2016


The look of a mother who wants nothing but to feed her young ones. She will exercise all means possible - even to shut down the city streets to ensure that the government officials listen to her grievances. They sat down on the then Van der Wald Street in Tshwane as they sang songs of a sad tone. They were grieving their eviction from trading amid the city's programme of relocating the informal traders. Following the protests and showing unity within the sector, the traders also acquired a voice in the city. Here is an article did for Daily Sun (2014 January 23) following the protests.

Informal traders and the city of Tshwane have reached a trading agreement.
Four major informal trading organistions held a meeting on Tuesday to say the city and the traders had come to an arrangement. This involved trading space, infrastructure development, licence allocation and sector regulation.
The associations were the Tshwane Informal Traders Forum, Tshwane Informal Traders Council, Tshwane Micro Entrepreneur’s League and the Tshwane National African Federated Chamber of Commerce.
The associations also condemned the recent death of 20-year-old trader Foster Rivombo, shot dead by a Metro policeman allegedly while the cop was trying to confiscate his bananas and apples.
“We don’t want to see that happening in the informal sector, whether they are killed by Metro cops or civilians,” said Strike Sebake of the Micro Entrepreneur’s League. “It dents the image of informal trading in the city while we are trying to expand it.”
He also slammed point-scoring missions by people or political organisations because someone had died.
Phillip Lethuba of the Informal Traders Council pointed out the Tshwane Barekisi Forum, whose leaders recently threatened to make the city ungovernable, was a break-away organisation from their group.
He said the forum will still be attending steering committee meetings under their umbrella. “There is this tendency among the informal traders, when a leader tells them the truth or something they don’t want to hear, to start labelling you as a sell-out.”
Sebake said the city recognised only these four organisations.

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