It was sparkling here and there.
I figured it was the lights of resident who were waking up.
Burglars which felt the cold which reaches the core of the bone where dripping water.
It was because of the nights's fog.
I was before its sight as I had a firm grip of the camera with my right hand.
I witnessed the blanket slowly fading away.
The sky was becoming clearer and clear with time.
The sky looked like a bowl of ice cream with colourants.
As the sun took out an inch of the nose, the face of Pretoria was turning gold.
It was at this moment that this photograph came to life.
I remembered the words of my mentor.
"Don't shake and rush it."
This turned out to be one of my favourite photos for the day.
The rest of the photos that followed, the standard had already been set.
Indeed the city is awake...